When Opportunity Knocks: How Saying Yes Transformed My Life

When Opportunity Knocks: How Saying Yes Transformed My Life

Opportunity Is Calling! 
Are you going to answer? 
Have you ever felt a little nudge inside telling you that you should do something but you didn’t listen out of fear, doubt or disbelief?
Has someone ever asked you to attend an event or join a group and you said no out of fear, doubt or disbelief?
Have you ever been presented with an opportunity to do something, go to a new place or share your experience and you turned it down out of fear, doubt or disbelief? 
THAT is your intuition! 
THOSE are all invitations from universe inviting you to open your heart and mind to opportunity!
I spent many years of my life saying no. 
Years being scared that I might fail.
Years doubting myself and my capabilities. 
Years feeling like I wasn’t worthy enough. 
If you've every felt this way, let me be the first to tell you… 

You are so so sooooo wrong!!!
In 2022 I felt a nudge to make some changes and for the first time EVER I leaned in. 
I started making small changes.
Reading, journaling, listening to podcasts and waking up early. 
My heart and mind slowly began to open up to possibility although I still continued to fail and mess up, I kept pushing forward. 
A year later I was invited to step outside of my comfort zone and attend a women’s worship conference. 
I very hesitantly said yes. 
I almost backed out several times.
All the way up to the day before we were leaving, I wanted to back out. 
I had every thought like;
“I’m not “that” girl”
“I don’t know worship music“
“I don’t know any of the other women going”
“They won’t like me”
“I’ll just want to come home the whole time and I’ll be stuck there”
These were all just excuses. 

Feeling unworthy. 
The devil was working overtime on me! 
I still went. 
That was the most profound, life altering weekend of my life! 
It was the weekend that I surrendered. 
The weekend I gave my life to God. 
The weekend Jesus SAVED ME! 
The weekend that was the starting point of my whole life changing! 
After that weekend (9 months ago) so much has happened. 
⁃ I started trusting God
⁃ I started listening to the callings I was getting
⁃ I started saying YES
⁃ I started having faith in myself
⁃ I started stepping outside of my comfort zone
⁃ I started doing scary things, hard things 
⁃ I started to shut down the limiting beliefs (the devilish thoughts)
⁃ I started saying NO to things that I knew no longer served me
Doors started opening left and right. 
Things that brought me to tears over and over again bc I was in awe of how God and the universe were guiding me in the right direction. 
Since last September my faith in God, my life, my heart, my mindset, my belief in myself, my self worth and my outlook on the future has completely transformed. 
So if you’re still here reading this….
This is it! 
Opportunity is calling! ☎️ 
Are you listening? 👂🏼 
Are you going to answer? 📞 
STOP saying no!
STOP being scared!
STOP feeling unworthy! 
And watch what starts to happen in your life! 
I promise you will be blown away and in awe of what starts to come your way when you lean into faith!
And as always, REMEMBER, (say it with me)


I love you and I’m endlessly rooting for you!

Pam Rivet- Founder
MBS Fit Co

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