Fail Forward: Why Failure is the Key to Unstoppable Growth

Fail Forward: Why Failure is the Key to Unstoppable Growth

When I first started dreaming up MBS Fit Co and exactly what the brand would promote and embody, it wasn’t just about athleisure. It still isn’t and it most definitely isn’t the only part of the future of MBS Fit Co. 

This brand was brought to life with women (specifically moms) in mind. You see, I’ve been a mom since I was 15. I got married at 18. I had my second child when I was 19. From the age of 15 until 2016 I identified and wore the cape as a wife, mom and mortgage advisor. I had no idea who PAM was. I struggled with severe depression and anxiety. I went to several doctors asking them to tell me what was “wrong with me”. 

In 2016, after I had my 3rd child, I found myself at the heaviest I had ever been and the most depressed I had ever been. I finally made the decision to take back my life. I turned to Weight Watchers to help me lose some weight. After 3 months and losing 50 lbs, with the help of our Co-Founder, Mandi, I then joined Beachbody, now Bodi and became a coach with her.
That is when my whole life changed. I started to feel good inside and out. I started to find confidence I never had before. I started to love myself and not just for how I looked, but for how I felt and who I was. It opened my mind to who I was and who I wanted to become. Who PAM was, beyond fitness and beyond the cape. 

I began coaching other women through Beachbody. Although the fitness aspect of it had become ingrained in me and was my new “normal”, what I was most passionate about was encouraging other moms to believe in themselves. To see how much they had accomplished in life and to love themselves both inside and out. Speaking life into them and helping them find their self love and self worth is what fueled me. Watching them find their confidence again gave me a new sense of purpose in life.
THIS is what MBS Fit Co was founded on. THIS is our foundation. A lifestyle brand to help moms be confident in themselves, beyond the cape and beyond fitness. I decided to start the brand with athleisure because that was the foundation that helped me to feel confident in myself. It wasn’t necessarily the workouts, but more so the clothing I was able to put on and still be all the other roles I needed to be. 

In all my years of working out, I’ve purchased activewear from hundreds of places and spent an obscene amount of money but there was always one thing that bothered me about all the brands and off-brands I bought. They promoted their clothing as part of fitness as if it’s only meant for gymwear.
That, to me, is so mistaken. We as women and moms wear leggings, bralets, tanks, jackets, etc daily. It’s staple pieces that we can wear to run the kids around, grocery shop, clean house, run errands and then yes also workout if we choose to do so. To do all the things with or without the cape, fitness or not.  

That is why our athleisure is specifically curated for multi-functional purposes. It’s having pieces that you can put on that you will look and feel good in, help you to feel more confident, and can be worn any day, anytime (not just to workout in) and you still look and feel “put together” like you can conquer the world. 

However we won’t stop there because there’s something I’ve struggled to find. You see, MBS (My Best Self), in my opinion, can’t be achieved with just athleisure. “Fitness” is far beyond just clothing or working out. It’s mind, body and soul. That’s where the gap is.
To my knowledge there are no lifestyle brands, specifically for women and us moms, that provide all the pieces to the puzzle. I’ve had to shop with several different brands to get everything I’ve needed like meal replacement/ protein shakes, collagen protein powders, hormone balancing supplements, fitness storage equipment, journals, affirmation cards, etc. 

We have no “one stop shop”. That’s what was missing. That is what sparked the idea for and the birth of MBS Fit Co. A total women’s lifestyle brand that gives you everything you need to live life as your best self, in all the roles you have to play every day, but most importantly for YOU! 

So I guess what I’m trying to say is, this is only the beginning. We’re just getting started and we are so grateful that you have been here with us from the start. That you are here supporting and encouraging us on this journey to creating something so big, so special and so beautiful.
 THANK YOU, from the bottoms of our hearts!

If you’re still reading, please know that I appreciate your time more than I could ever express. 

So here’s what brings me to my actual treadmill thoughts and motivation for today. Lately I’ve been asking myself, “Outside of being a complete lifestyle brand for women, what else will set MBS Fit Co apart from all the other brands that offer all the other products we currently do or plan to have? What else can I do to show my appreciation, give back and provide a higher level of service to our customers who I value so much”.
That’s when I decided to type this email you’re reading now. Going back to my Beachbody coaching days, what I was most passionate about wasn’t coaching the fitness side. It was just talking to women and lifting them up. Giving them advice and words of encouragement. Sharing any sort of motivation I could. That’s what I would like to do for you.

I would like to start a “blog” to email you each week with whatever motivational tip that’s been on my mind personally. I would love to share with you the conversations I have with myself day in and day out to keep me above water and silence the limiting beliefs. 

I truly hope you will enjoy this. I pray that my words resonate with you and help you in some way. 

There is a quote that I have on my wall in my office that is right in front of me so that I can look up at it every chance I get is “I want to inspire people. I want people to look at me and say “because of you, I didn’t give up”. That is what I strive to live by every day of my life. 

So here were my thoughts for today as I was walking on the treadmill:

You know the saying “fail to plan or plan to fail”? Although there is truth in that because I do wholeheartedly believe that if you don’t plan at all, then you’re just asking to fail. 

Here’s where I somewhat disagree. 

Sometimes when you plan, you still fail and that’s OK! Failure isn’t always a bad thing!

We all make mistakes. We all make bad decisions. We all fall down. It’s life. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t.

Failure can mean rejection in some form but rejection is God’s protection. Failure can mean redirection. Failure can mean that person, place or thing wasn’t meant for you. Failure can mean a better opportunity is coming that you don’t know of yet. 

Failure is what YOU make of it! It’s how you CHOOSE to see it and work through it or around it. Failure is how we learn. It’s how we grow. Failure doesn’t happen TO you, it happens FOR you!

Now don’t get me wrong, failure doesn’t always feel good BUT we can choose to see the positive in it. So give yourself grace and a short period of time to reflect on it. It’s ok to be upset. It’s ok to cry about it. What’s not ok is to sit and wallow in it or not take action to move forward from it. 

Let failure be the fire that fuels you to do more, get better, try again and become stronger!

That’s where my head is at. That’s how I have chosen to live and see failure. 

I hope my tad bit of motivation/inspiration helps you as well and if you already see it this way too then that’s awesome too! Let this just be a reminder for you. 

And lastly, again, if you’re still reading…. YOU’RE THE BOMB AND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

I promise my future motivational emails will be alot shorter, but today I wanted to initiate this new practice with a little background story for you to fully understand MBS Fit Co and the purpose of these emails I will be sending. 

I hope you have a very blessed wonderful week.

And as always, REMEMBER, (say it with me)


I love you and I’m endlessly rooting for you!

Pam Rivet- Founder
MBS Fit Co
P.S. - What goal are you working towards right now that you need a little boost of confidence or motivation to get through? I would love to hear your thoughts and help you. Just respond to this email and I will be in touch.
Much love 💖


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